Progress update (25-12-2024) - Beta Testing Phase on the Horizon!

25/12/2024 00:28
Hello Everyone,
Time for another (short) progress update about Mavericks Final Strike Vol.1
Unfortunately no Christmas Present this time but I’m very close on finishing the game.
The Beta testing phase is on the horizon! As always there will most likely be bugs and 
other things to be corrected when Beta testing the game but that’s just part of the progress.
Balancing the game in difficulty and leveling will take some time.
That’s because any adjustments made in the database during Beta Testing will only take effect when starting a new game. Therefore testing the game will take some time. That’s the downside of the rm2k3 engine unfortunately.
But the most important thing is that I’m getting there. 
For now I wish you all a happy Christmas and have a great time!
And be ready for 2025 because the Final Strike is on it’s way…

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