Progress update (25-08-2024) - Warning: Spoiler Alert!
25/08/2024 22:32
Hello Everyone,
It’s been a while again but I’ve been very very busy.
And of course also with creating the next installment in the Mavericks Series.
The good news is that the main storyline of Mavericks Final Strike Vol.1 is finished!
I’m now working on additional content for the game. But that’s taking more time then I had anticipated.
Nonetheless I’m making good progress towards finishing the game but there’s still a lot of things to do.
These are the main progress details for now:
-Main storyline finished;
-Now working on additional content;
-Make additional weapon skills for several characters;
-Make ending credits;
-Adjust difficulty, leveling;
-Bug fixing;
-Beta testing game.
Those are mainly the things that need to be done.
Beta testing will certainly take some time. I don’t want the game to be to hard but not too easy as well.
So balancing the game will take some time. And there are always bugs to be fixed as well.
I can’t say anything yet about a specific release date yet but I’m hoping to release the game somewhere next year.
That’s all for now.
Thank you for all your support and following me on YouTube.
It really means a lot and it keeps me going.
Spoiler Alert!
Check out the new screenshots of Mavericks Final Strike Vol.1
You can find them in the screenshot section -> Lookie Lookie Senator :-)
Have a great day!