Megaman X - Mavericks Final Version 1.0.4 Released!
15/10/2017 15:07
Hi there Mavericks fans!
Time for another bunch of updates!
Here are the changes:
Changelog v1.0.4:
- Fixed Lightning Web Skill Text damage to multiple enemies;
- Fixed Harpuia Skill Use pose;
- Fixed Nova Strike weakness on some enemies in Mavericks 2;
- Fixed some Boss death triggers in Mavericks 2 and 3;
- Fixed Shift Key Error at "Ready" sign in Mavericks 2 causing slowdown;
- Fixed Lasers glitching out of their range after the mini boss in Izzy Glow Stage;
- Fixed Dash/Jump possibility when hit/die by a crusher;
- Fixed Bifrost extreme skill weakness to Ground Hunter;
- Fixed Omega Max extreme weaknesses to certain skills;
- Fixed a small sprite issue with Sigma's X8 form when he revives his X2 form;
- Fixed Giga Laser weakness on Flame Mammoth MKII;
- Fixed Giga Laser weakness on Mars MKII;
- Fixed other database issues;
- Updated the Mavericks Final Readme.
Have fun!