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Megaman X - Mavericks Final/2.0 v1.0.6 and v1.0.1 Released!

16/08/2018 21:20
Megaman X Mavericks Final         v1.0.6 Megaman X Mavericks Final 2.0    v1.0.1   Changelog:   - Added extra credit scene to both Mavericks Final and Mavericks Final 2.0; - Fixed some small bugs.   Remember to make a backup of...

Small update coming up!

16/08/2018 01:10
Hi Mavericks fans!   So recently I recieved some messages from people asking me about the possibility of giving credit for their material I used in the game even though it's not a really big problem for most of them.   Of course they deserve credit for the things...

Megaman X - Mavericks Final 2.0 Released!

20/01/2018 23:37
Megaman X - Mavericks Final 2.0 is now available!   - Fully upgraded to the latest RPG Maker 2003 Engine; - Compatible with the latest Windows versions 8, 8.1 and 10; - Advanced Video Options.   Enjoy!    

Megaman X - Mavericks Final Version 1.0.5 Released!

24/12/2017 21:51
Hi Guys! Here is another update for Megaman X - Mavericks Final. Version 1.0.5 contains lots of (minor) bug, gramma and database fixes.   I'm also removing the seperated downloadlinks from Zippyshare. Not many use them so I only use the Mediafire link from now on.    Have fun!  

Coming up next...

27/11/2017 15:15
Mega Man X Mavericks Final 2.0!   Mavericks Final 2.0 is based on a upgraded version of the RPG Maker 2003 Engine.   The most important changes are: - Fully playable on the latest Windows versions 8, 8.1 and 10!; - Switch between rendering modes GDI (for newer machines) or...

Megaman X - Mavericks Final Version 1.0.4 Released!

15/10/2017 15:07
Hi there Mavericks fans!   Time for another bunch of updates! Here are the changes:   Changelog v1.0.4:   - Fixed Lightning Web Skill Text damage to multiple enemies; - Fixed Harpuia Skill Use pose; - Fixed Nova Strike weakness on some enemies in Mavericks 2; -...

Megaman X - Mavericks Final Version 1.0.3 Released!

09/09/2017 23:39
  Remember that annoying issue where bosses with animated attacks don't wait their turn to attack. Well it seems that switching the ATB Mode from Active to Wait solves this problem. It seems that the default setting was always Active somehow.   I've added the ATB Mode in the...

Megaman X - Mavericks Final Version 1.0.2 Released!

03/09/2017 21:37
Time for another update. Changelog v1.0.2:   - Fixed Mino Magnus wrong map Teleport event at third screen north; - Fixed Ray Splasher Skill text Obtained from Neon Tiger (instead of Blast Hornet); - Fixed wrong Statistics change when getting the Ultimate X Armor;   Note: If...

Error Message "No such interface supported"

01/09/2017 15:59
In Mavericks Final many of you encounter the error message "no such interface supported" just after the  "Based on characters and storyline..." screen when starting a new game. You get this message because your pc is missing a codec to play video's. In order to fix this problem you can...

Megaman X - Mavericks Final Version 1.0.1 Released!

30/08/2017 22:16
Changelog:   - Fixed a Glitch in Mavericks Resurrection where Megaman X is starting with no X Buster equipped.   It seems that there was a glitch in Mavericks Resurrection where Megaman X doesn't have the X Buster equipped at the beginning. Instead you get the weapon error...

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